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    Professional Scene News Tipper
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    Gamertag: armmagedd0n PSN ID: athen5cl0ne

    ps3 Red Ribbon RC 7 - GNU / Linux for PS3

    GNU/Linux for your PS3.

    r04drunner has released a new RC version of his Red Ribbon GNU/Linux for the PS3, with many fixes and additions for you to enjoy.

    If you didn't know, Red Ribbon for the PS3 by 'r04drunner', is a PPC64 GNU/Linux distribution with support for Cell/BE, based on Debian Wheezy.

    The new RC7 is available for you to enjoy, with tons of changes and fixes since the previous update.

    Check out the official info:


    Red Ribbon release candidate 7 is now available. It is based on Debian Wheezy and it includes the following changes:

    * Kernel 3.7.1 with the Graf_chokolo's, Marcan's and Gitbrew's patches.
    * New version of the installer with some features added and some bugs fixed.
    * New version of the Red Ribbon theme.
    * Iceweasel (Firefox) updated to the 17 release.
    * Asbestos and OtherOS now will use the same kernel.
    * Kboot now will set the latest kernel as the default boot option.
    * Added a new tool to configure the timeout on Petitboot.
    * Added support for Playstation Eyetoy.
    * Added GUVCview as the tool for capturing video from the webcam.
    * Gnome-Player is now the media player.
    * Added a new tool to configure the PS3's video mode.
    * Added support for NTFS.
    * PulseAudio is now the sound server.
    * Added a new volume control tool.

    All the new features are available for the RC6 by installing the latest online update. You need to connect the PS3 to the internet, open a lxterminal and download the file:

    wget http://downloads.redribbon.t15.org/o...-2013-01-10.sh

    Then, you must execute it:

    sudo sh online-update-2013-01-10.sh

    And wait until finished.
    You can get more info on the Source link below.

    So, update directly from RC6 (Online), or manually by grabbing the ISO from its official SourceForge site.

    NEWS SOURCE: Red Ribbon RC 7 GNU Linux PS3 (via) PSX-Scene

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to tthousand For This Useful Post:

    gDrive (Yesterday), rednekcowboy (01-13-2013)


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