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DigiTopZ #2

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Unhappy Have fucked up big time. Please guide me accidentally updated to OFW 4.46

    So as the title says: Was on 3.55cfw a few weeks back and updated to 4.41 Rebug lite. Today I proceeded to update to 4.46.1 Lite update but I think I have fucked up. I had an original disc inside the ps3 and it must have installed 4.46 OFW... Multiman works but nothing else from the homebrw apps and games, so I guess am dumb as fuck yea. Though I remember Dumping my NOR/NAND flash when I was updating from 3.55. Are these of any use? Should I dig them up if I find them? Is there anything else I can do now or is it the end of my cfw days?

    Would really appreciate an answer asap.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalman View Post
    So as the title says: Was on 3.55cfw a few weeks back and updated to 4.41 Rebug lite. Today I proceeded to update to 4.46.1 Lite update but I think I have fucked up. I had an original disc inside the ps3 and it must have installed 4.46 OFW... Multiman works but nothing else from the homebrw apps and games, so I guess am dumb as fuck yea. Though I remember Dumping my NOR/NAND flash when I was updating from 3.55. Are these of any use? Should I dig them up if I find them? Is there anything else I can do now or is it the end of my cfw days?

    Would really appreciate an answer asap.
    If you did update to OFW, the only way to get back to CFW is via a hardware flasher. Though it is weird that Multiman still works. When you say works do you mean that it loads games and you can launch them from app/home?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by rednekcowboy View Post
    If you did update to OFW, the only way to get back to CFW is via a hardware flasher. Though it is weird that Multiman still works. When you say works do you mean that it loads games and you can launch them from app/home?
    Multiman loads, MMoS works I can see all lists including game lists in multiman but no I can't launch a game from app/home. So its pretty much done I guess?
    My PS3 is Slim cech-2003A btw.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalman View Post
    Multiman loads, MMoS works I can see all lists including game lists in multiman but no I can't launch a game from app/home. So its pretty much done I guess?
    My PS3 is Slim cech-2003A btw.
    Yup, need a hardware flasher/downgrader. Check your local kijiji/craigslist/whatever, there may be someone locally that downgrades consoles. It usually isn't that expensive. Mine cost me $60.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by rednekcowboy View Post
    Yup, need a hardware flasher/downgrader. Check your local kijiji/craigslist/whatever, there may be someone locally that downgrades consoles. It usually isn't that expensive. Mine cost me $60.
    So are you saying its not worth it doing it myself by buyin E3 Flasher/Progskeet/TEENSY++ 2.0 ?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalman View Post
    So are you saying its not worth it doing it myself by buyin E3 Flasher/Progskeet/TEENSY++ 2.0 ?
    It's up to you, but you're looking at $120 worth of parts that you need to order......unless you are planning on making a business out of it, it's way cheaper and much less headaches just to pay someone else to do it.



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